Thursday, May 7, 2020

Amerika Syarikat ejek Menteri 9Kesihatan ee Ka Siong = Paris macam bukanin Japan . inor ManTony Pau 184 tak ada soalan?H? Iron Man 3rd Student ( is actually A spider woman ) in Teratai / 100th Anniversary ( c hibai wazizah which cannot be PM8 please mind your own fucking PKRparty) Pandan >> A 08 iron Man 1st Student Captain MarveL conf irm im2nd Student / Captain America / in Kota Melaka and 3rd Student / SpideR man / in Teratai ( Happy Wesak 7M 2020) >> A 05 MBF Staff ( now Am Bank ) called LE eeBee which give Blogger nick2002 FURY name " Peter Parker " see Lwalker Captain America WitchWorking as part i m e NiON Halal Mee Soup Restaurant : AVery Happy Amazing 2014 Spideman Story with Horse ( The Soaring Pegasus ( Greek mythology )

Message from Newton Abra :

Good Morning , Captain America ( CjAck Reacher ) .. Your mission , should you choose to accept it .. a) we will arrange a job interview in KL 12 January 2001 , but U=CA , actually need to go to Mines Wonderland .... In Mines Wonderland , U=CA need to purchase 2 set of anti-trust movie tickets = one in afternoon ( as ant-man3 still working ) before lattern park in mines wonderland open , while another one in night .... after lattern park in mines wonderland closed ..... In the lattern park mines wonderland ... there will be a group of people called Fast to deal with 9 Serum ( or some kind of injection ) .... The serum temporally given nickname ( X ) 独孤九剑 ( ?? ) 六脉神剑 ... what to to with Rey Skywalker (skip first ) .. The Serum will divided to Set F1 6 Serum and F2 3 Serum ... The Fast Team However will divided to Set NM 5 Serum and Set VVVV 4 Serum according to 醉拳 Concept in Fantasy ( Poison ) Island ..... and after the lattern park in mines wonderland , U=CA has 5 Hours including the movie Anti Trust to make decision what to do with the serum and send the Answer to Us .....

Reason They want to us this serum against Irene ( which strong but low IQ ) ..... they found her IQ suddenly improve a lot ( and other reasons related to Snow White ) ... and the excuse used to againts her are :
a) Irene HPassed A ll Hunger Games . However , She has beeN claimed bY mines giving false informaTion as Her STEP Father register that Irene Has STEP Sister as she has only STEP Brother.
b) Irene has ended relations with her mother ( prove : ELGE without Valak ) has moved to some where nearby U=CA Living ... The Question : Where is ELGE's Son ???? Mca has claimed Irene has prat ice Black Magic 迷魂大法 to split ELGE's son from her ... BUT REALITY : ELGE's son choose to follow her step sister instead her real Mother as HE SPEND 99.9999999% of time wth irene instead of  ELGE .. In reality , this data is not relevant ( so we short of witness ) .. and the only person know how far it is true the relationship Irene and her step brother ( and can trusted is you , Captain America )  

Sunday, May 19, 2019

a ) There is Chibai Indian from PKR has a budget 2kill 3 Elephant ( Success ?? ) and Most Funny 1 Fish ( Why Not Success ?? ) in Wesak Day because his penis looks like 3 snakes 2ass Bentong's Wife & Daughter

In This Longkang no water , there is a Fish ...... Fucking Theory .. is definetely already dead fish .. but surprises the fish still manage jump and jump to look for survival = not very sure this fish already h ow long been there as no water no oxygen .... to take to temple as far as 390 meter can the fish survice ?? .... Bumble Bee ( Captain America ) has to try ..... quickly put to fish garden after manage to reach there ........ wait more than 5 minutes .. didn't see the fish swim ..... fail ???? wait another 5 mintes .. yes manage to see the fish swim ....... then inform temple community = agree to bring the fish to next higher temple .